The title of this post is turning out to be a full time job, but here is the latest that I've been able to accumulate over the last 2 days:
- Most GMs believe that the Jays price for Doc will not be met, and that he'll remain a Jay for that reason;
- Some actually believe that if the youngsters keep pitching the way they are (Bret and Mark), it could entice Roy to stick around and mentor them, at the right price of course. Would management extend Roy at 20-25 million a season? Maybe if they can shed Wells's contract or the bulk of it at least;
- The Mets supposedly refuse to deal a package that included Fernando Martinez - phew, because I hate the package that they refused to give up. It assured the Jays nothing except having a potent OF core with Snider-Martinez-Rios....where would Wells fit?
- The Phillies won't deal Drabek...woopti freakin' do, last I checked his stats were not so hot and we have better options in Bret and Marc. He has a 3.25 ERA in AA, a lot less than 1 K per inning, and is below Carrasco's value if you ask me. I say give the Jays a Michael Taylor, Carlos Carrasco, Jason Donald, Michael Stutes, and Yohan Flande package in return for Doc and Rolen and we'll call it a day.
- The Angels don't seem to be real players in this yet and haven't shown their cards at all;
- Speaking of the Cards, they're definitely trying to low-ball JP, so hopefully he's dismissing their calls. They refuse to deal their only A type prospect in Bret Wallace and also refuse to deal Rasmus. Seriously, they have very little else and should just call it a day. They would have better luck getting Jon Garland or Doug Davis, so the Cards are out of this altogether.
- The Jays and Rangers could get creative. One analyst had the idea of sending Michael Young to the Jays in a package that had Doc and Rolen going to the Rangers. This would help the deal make sense financially since Young makes 16 million annually, making the hit for the Rangers 5 million less per season and they get relief from Young's contract at the same time which runs until 2013. This would fill the 3B void the Jays can expect when Rolen leaves, and of course there would be the 4-5 prospects included with Young. Young is Wells's best friend, which may finally ignite the passion fans want to see out of Wells. I doubt this will happen, but it is a creative way of seeing the Rangers getting involved in this deal.
- The Chicago White Sox are my favorites for getting a deal done simply because their GM is Kenny Williams and he's addicted to trading. A package in the sorts of Aaron Poreda-Dayan Viciedo-Alexei Ramirez-Jordan Danks-Santos Rodriguez may make it work for the Jays. It fills the voids at SS and 3B for the long term and also provides great SP and OF prospects. I could even see Kenny being willing to take on Wells and part of his contract if the Jays are willing to pay a chunk of it. I'm seeing more and more that the White Sox and Phillies are the most viable options for JP.
- All other teams are wild cards and would need concessions from the Jays. The Brewers won't deal Escobar but could be willing to move Gamel, which wouldn't be enough. They do have 3-4 great SP prospects that could be interesting, but they're all a ways off from MLB play and are therefore too risky and long term for JP to bite. Atlanta is sitting this one out, and the Dodgers (other than Torre) haven't said boo. Some say that Schmidt's rough return may persuade them to take a better look at it.
The biggest wild card team: the Seattle Mariners
Here sit the Mariners, with Griffey onboard they have managed to be only 4 games back from the division lead this far into the season and already have a great 1-2 punch in Bedard and Hernandez. They also have 3 key pieces that would interest the Jays a great deal: RP Philipe Aumont (Canadian), OF Tyson Gillies (Canadian), and OF Michael Saunders (Canadian). The Jays have peaked interest at heightening their Canadian content in order to appease to their audience. Not only are these guys Canucks, but they are huge talents. Saunders in particular has 5 tools and would be a great fit for the Jays. Seattle also showed that they are willing to make these huge deals when they dealt for Bedard. Here's how I see the package:
RP Philipe Aumont - OF Michael Saunders - 3B Alex Liddi - SP Michael Pineda - OF Tyson Gillies (could add 1 more prospect)
In return for Roy Halladay and Scott Rolen. This fills their need in replacing Beltre for the time being at 3B, and also allows for him and Rolen to take turns at DH when need be. That's a deal that I would not be disappointed in, as a Canadian Jays fan.
1 hour ago
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